And the right one is mine!
This is Candy Peach, She paints over her cutiemark to seem normal.
Her talent: Stalker
Cover: Knitting (Hobby)
She buys and makes contraptions to help her take her victims, like to cancel out magic, restraints for wings and all.
She studies the victim first, follows them around for a bit and if possible becomes friends with them. then she kidnaps them and takes pictures with them.
Some people she will keep for a long time and then use a memory spell and release them when she finds someone new.
But, when she is obsessed she is obsessed she is kill anyone who tries to get in her way including other romances she used to take medication but when she did she couldn't feel any emotion and apparently when she was on it someone had a crush on her, when they told her she bluntly and brutally denied and the person was so heartbroken they took their life. She felt so responsible because she really liked the person deep inside but she had no way to show them
With a name like candy peach; how could she be evil?
Also, If you want to draw her with your character for what ever reason feel free to. I would love to see so if you do please tag me!