
Majesty, one of most elegant yet twisted ponies in Equestrian history. Initially raised and taught some of the last of the elite unicorns before losing her entire family when the the Royal Sisters took power and formed Equestria. She was taken from an orphanage and placed under Celestia’s wing shortly after Starswirl’s disappearance and Luna’s banishment to be taught to hone her immense magical skills and to be kinder and more respectful to the other races. However there was nothing Celestia could do that could change Majesty’s viewpoints and she would in time utterly regret training Majesty in the first place.

Like the Unicorns of old, Majesty held that only Unicorns could wield ultimate power and control over the other races. She viewed Earth Ponies little more than servants tending the land for their exclusive benefit and nothing more. Pegasi were held in slightly higher regard but only for weather control and for their use as cannon fodder. Even Alicorns she saw as unfit to exist due to their mix of Pegasi and Earth Pony qualities and just stomached Celestia purely for her knowledge.

She viewed Unicorns as the master race whose role was to dominate all before them and even amongst Unicorns there were undesirables. Any Unicorn born from non Unicorn parents were seen as an abomination to nature and those who wedded anypony other than another Unicorn was seen as traitors to their own kind. Only Unicorns coming from pure Unicorn families were accepted and to those, she was actually kind, supportive and would do anything to do right by them.


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