Sweetie Drops felt her heart fall into the darkest, deepest, most fearful parts of her being. The mere flare of his eyes upon her insignificant existence was enough to make her crumble right then and there. She was already lying on her side, breathless, near-death, and almost fully willing to embrace that cold embrace than experience whatever wretched end the Titan had in mind for her. Only… he merely stared at her. Frowned, more like it. A pitiful, almost sneering glare as the Titan observed the life before him and growled.
Then, he breathed in.
And Godzilla roared.
It shook the whole earth, Sweetie Drops’ ears ringing for several seconds on end as the otherworldly roar rocked her very sense of being and reality. It shook her bones to the very core, her mind rattling and teeth chattering far more powerfully than the cold could ever do. Her heart had seemingly froze for several seconds, the intensity of the roar continuously shaking the earth until finally… he was finished. He returned that fearsome glare onto the mere equine once more, snorting and somewhat… grinning her way. It looked like one to her. A smirk, maybe, showcasing the rows of razor-sharp teeth, emphasizing the power he held just by his roar.
But more so warning Sweetie Drops not to run her ship into him again.
Sweetie was able to breathe once more, until that breath was stripped away when Godzilla pressed onwards, seemingly forgetting she even existed as he proceeded to stomp directly over her. She watched as droplets of ocean water sprayed on top of her, the mighty behemoth of a monster pushing his shadow over and past her with the mare staring on, incredulous and wordless to the phenomenon occurring before her very eyes. She watched as his tail rose high above her, swaying dangerously close before passing harmlessly beyond.
She turned to face the Titan, watched as he searched the glacier for seconds on end.
Until finally… he found it.
He stared to the landmass of icy mountains and valleys lying directly beneath his feet. And then… Sweetie Drops felt her heart stop once again.
She watched in utter astonishment as his dorsal fins began to ignite. They shimmered a powerful and haunting blue, starting from the end of his waving tail and rising up his spine, reaching the end of his neck, and allowing the Titan to breathe in and expel that pent-up energy in an astounding atomic blast. The ripple of energy coursed through the air and practically electrified it, Sweetie Drops feeling an unnatural warmth filling the air as Godzilla jammed his jaws to the sky and spewed that atomic breath to the clouds above.
A storm of atomic energy filled the clouds above and broke the snowstorm. Light was brought forth to the glacier, a somewhat unsettling tint of blue washing over the land. The light faded from Godzilla’s body, the Titan seemingly pleased with his work. He must have been, as he instantly turned away and stomped back into the ocean. Sweetie Drops watched him with every last second she could, the beast dipping his head into the waves and vanishing within them. His spines were all that she could see before they, too… vanished.
Almost like he was never there. Like he was just that legend ponies spoke of.
Just a legend and nothing more.
And with that, Sweetie Drops returned to the storm, witnessing the atomic energy swirling over the land. Flakes of that same blue tint fell softly from it, like snow, impacting the ice over one specific patch of it. Pegasi called her name, but she didn’t respond. She couldn't hear them over the roar echoing in her ears.
She simply couldn’t speak even after they found her and brought her home.