
Wiping her eye, Luna proudly announced, “Everypony… say hello to Titanus Mosura… or better known as—”

“Mothra,” Bon Bon breathed.

Her name was spoken, and all absorbed the power of it. Breathed it in as Bon Bon had breathed it out. To some, they were witnessing a legend brought forth to the real world, brought forth and made to be definitive truth and reality. Daring Do and Bon Bon and several other T.I.T.A.N. agents present had only ever heard of her legend, but were never born to see her for themselves. Those like Celestia, like Luna, they had lived long enough to know her legend was real, and to know the stunning tranquility of her in the flesh once again.

To the others who had never heard nor believed in her legend, they were certainly made believers now. Dr. Caballeron and his followers were at a loss for words, no thoughts of treasure plaguing their minds, but her alone filling them with the heavenly images of her presence. The Council of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, had only been told by the princesses of who she truly was. Now that they saw her with their own eyes, they could truly believe every word Celestia and Luna uttered. Because they were right. Mothra exemplified and defined every meaning of the ancient deities and what they were always meant to be, what the old generations and tribes worshipped them for: Beauty. Serenity. Peace. Love.


“Absolutely stunning…” Rarity gasped, her eyes shimmering the twinkles of turquoise reflecting off of Mothra’s slick, newborn skin. The larva leaned back, her glowing blue eyes staring to every single pony that stepped forth to observe her closer.

“Wow…” Pinkie and Spike simultaneously whispered.

The Council of Friendship continued to step closer, and their actions only startled Mothra. She leaned further back, crying softly and hissing. Twilight instantly stepped back, tugging Rarity and Pinkie with her. Applejack shook her head—simultaneously breaking out of her daze—and caught Spike by his wings, the young dragon seemingly lost in a trance to Mothra’s beauty.

Rainbow Dash flinched back, chuckling nervously. “Whoa… guess we scared her, huh?”

Fluttershy turned to her friends, eyeing them shortly before turning to the subtle cries and worrisome gurgles of the great larva. Studying Mothra’s posture and trembles, Fluttershy understood the emotions she was feeling at the moment. She was still apprehensive to the others. Hardening her brow to her friends and those with them, she slowly moved forward to approach the creature a second time. And that time, nopony tried to stop her.

Mothra was cautious herself, but eased slowly when the yellow Pegasus began to speak. That same soothing, calming voice that had spoken to her earlier. Knowing that, sensing that, believing that, Mothra lowered her head to closer examine the pony. She was gentle in her approach. Both of them were. When they met in the middle, it was Fluttershy who raised her hoof to meet her. Mothra stopped, stared at her hoof, then slowly pressed against it.

Fluttershy laid her hoof on the head of the majestic beast and simply… rested it there.

Mothra © Toho/Legendary
Fluttershy © Hasbro


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