Twilight and Spike were joined by the rest of their family, Shining Armor and Cadance following shortly behind the princess and the young dragon. Together, all four of them observed what Twilight and Spike were witnessing for the first time. Namely, the photographed paintings and artifacts miraculously captured on Black Skull Island. Shining tensed. Cadance held her breath. Their bodies froze and their eyes were glazed to the portraits shown.
Slabs of stone held the image of a giant ape battling large, reptilian beasts. That same ape was shown with its arms held out wide, with ponies bowing before it. Shocked and surprised by such a beast, by such a display, Twilight and Spike held their stares to the portraits with keen, rising interest. Shining and Cadance turned aside as quick as they could.
There was a reason they never went back to Black Skull Island, and they didn’t need to be reminded of it.