
Wanted to draw the new ponies, been a bit out of it artwise, solved that problem by G5ifying the best pony. I'd said I was going to draw him in the next series style anyway, so why not do it early?

Anyway, various notes:

• Slight changes to his facial features, his muzzle is now softer. Ears and the entirety of his eyes were also altered, and with the addition of eyebrows it's actually a major change and also really weird. Been growing on me though.

• Red hooves with flowy feathers. I'd like to give his hooves the appearance of an agate but figure I'll wait to see more ponies before experimenting too much. I'm curious on how Crystal Ponies might look.

• Mane & tail is just flat, messy hair. Maybe gets smoky when angry? Need to see a flowy haired pony to decide.

• Still no cutie mark.

• Currently no armor. I want to redo it for the style, but not entirely sure how to go about it quite yet. I'll figure that out as more is shown probably.

Probably gonna draw more ponies in this style eventually! Maybe some of my own OCs next, I just went with Sombra first since I said I'd draw him in the new style anyway

Think there's any chance of him showing up in the new series? I kinda doubt it, but hey, I can hope.


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