Born to Silly


Here is the next non-player character of the ongoing online Tails of Equestria pen and paper role playing game I am mastering at the moment.
In Trottingham the player groups quest was to discretely contact Seaweed, the sister of Magister Wavebolt and her husband Lightbringer for help about the beached Bunte Yak. It is crucial for word about the beached ship full of muesli not to spread as this might cause severe diplomatic disruptions (up to a potential casus belli) with the griffons because of the ban of food importation to the Griffish Isles as part of the peace treaty of Trottingham.

Same as her elder brother Seaweed loves the sea though unlike him she stuck to coastal shipping or more precicely to harvesting kelp in the bay of Trottingham and along the shores of the Griffish Isles. Working on the sea but close enough to home allowed her some family life and she and her husband Lightbringer (there will be a picture of him too) got a filly (an earthpony name Ali) and a colt (a Pegasus named Flakes).

As always with these NPCs there is also a version of this image without reduced opacity.


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