
A Late Birthday gift for who I really wanted to do something special for, due to what she has endured latley…

After reading a journal concerning the recent events that happened in her life, it's been a brutal time for her emotionally. To the point where it seems like most people would crumble. Although she still manages to reply and speak to others with such a positive tone and demenor; that by itself is remarkable.

I know I don't speak to you often :icon: but you have always been a very special person, and have positivley impacted myself and i'm sure many others with your presence. With such a vibrant art style it's not surprising that a cheerful person was the one behind it all; and it's horrible that you feel alone latley, honestly I can sympathize with not having anyone to talk to about how your emotions. It's not a great feeling in the slightest.

Although, you will always have the people on here who care about you, while I may not be as vocal about it, I know you've seen firsthand the plethora of those who comment and truly enjoy your work. Just look through all your pieces again, and read each comment as if it were your first time doing so. At that point you'll maybe see that you aren't always failing, but making a difference in people's lives with the art that you create. Imagine all of those happy smirks you've made through you're artwork, all of the bright smiles and laughs alone should show you that you have only made people's lives happier. Honestly not many can say they do this.

I cannot speak for your personal life but I know on here you are a cherished person, who has made larger impact in your artistic life than some will in there entire life.

You've been a wonderful frien d, and nothing less. Please never forget what you've accomplished, because at that point you are only failing those who care about you.


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