

Name: Princess Sunset Shimmer

Nicknames: Sunset Shimmer, Sunset, mom, mom Sun, auntie Sunny, auntie, Princess Sunset, princess, your highness

Age: 38

Species: unicorn

Gender: cis female

Sexuality: bisexual

Parents: Light Crack (mother), Sunfare Warfire (deceased)(father)

Siblings: none

Spouse: Twilight Sparkle (wife)

Children: Dusk Gold (son), Solaria (daughter)

Location of birth: Canterlot, Equestria

Location of residence: Ponyville, Equestria

Occupation: Princess Twilight's assistant, secret comic book artist

Birthday: 30th of July

Zodiac sign: Leo



Sunset was born to the commander of the royal guard and one of his many minions. She was conceived by accident, since her mother was sleeping around to get up in the ranks, but she ended up getting pregnant and so her and the commander ended up getting married.

Sunset was held to a high standard since young age. Her parents expected her to do exceptionally in school and also put her through a lot of physical exercises to ''thoughen her up''. They neglected her basic needs to the point where she was outright abused. Sunset wanted to run away really badly, but she didn't know where to go.

She got her cutie mark at 8 years old, when she helped a filly grow a really vibrant flower with magic for an art project.
Sunset got into Queen Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns at 10 like most foals. Her father certainly helped even though Sunset's abilities on their own were impressive enough. Celestia even enrolled her as her private pupil.
Since Sunset got to spend so much time with the queen she eventually slipped up about her home life, which needless to say, got Celestia worried. She started paying closer attention to how Sunset's parents were treating her and caught them talking down to their daughter several times. She eventually took custody away from even though she didn't adopt Sunset herself. Sunset Shimmer now was officially an orphan now, but Celestia was more than ready to act as a mother figure to her. Sunset was quite angry at this, because she expected to be adopted as a princess. No matter how much she hated them, Sunset's parents had stuck the idea that Sunset was destined for something great into her head and she still firmly believed it.
One day Celestia introduced her pupil to a magical mirror that lead to another world. This sparked Sunset's interest in forbidden magic and, of course, that mirror. She would go to the closed off sections of the library reading on every black magic book she could find, all in secret obviously. She couldn't let the queen know of this. Eventually Celestia found out and Sunset escaped through the portal, never to be seen again.
Sunset Shimmer found herself in the human world and without any proper guidance or knowledge on how the world worked she found herself as a homeless 12-year-old for a long while until she was taken in by the local orphanage and put into school. She quickly adapted to the new setting and rose to the top even though she gained the reputation of a bully to do so.
Sunset must have been around 17 when she started to miss Equestria so she found a way to come back only to arrive at Princess Twilight Sparkle's coronation. Twilight had been Celestia's other private pupil when they were fillies. They had always had a rivalry, because of that with Sunset being the meaner and more bully-like one, before she ran away of course. To see Celestia give a pair of wings and a crown to a pony, who wasn't her stung her deeply and she started plotting her revenge.
At some point Sunset stole Twilight's crown and ran way with it back into the human world. Twilight came after her and after the Equestria Girls movie plot happened Sunset saw that her ways were wrong and started reforming herself with the help of the human mane 5.
After investigating how Equestrian magic affected the human world and graduating from high school Sunset didn't really feel like she belonged in the human world anymore, but she stuck around for college despite her really feeling like she'd be better off in Equestria.
After starting to date Twilight, Sunset dropped out of college and moved back to Equestria. Since Spike had left, Sunset took his job and became her girlfriend's new assistant.
A year into their relationship Twilight and Sunset got engaged, just to officially tie the knot and kind of impulsively have a baby, whom they loved regardless. That baby was Dusk Gold. Eventually they had a daughter too- Solaria.

Sunset still has the cooler older sister energy to her. Out of her and Twilight she is the chiller mom and often acts more like an older sibling. However, whenever she needs to show authority she shows it. Since the show Sunset has learned to control her anger issues better, even though, she needs to lock herself in the closet once in a while to scream her rage out. She is also really good at giving advice and this is why she is usually the one Dusk and Solaria run to, despite Twilight having established herself as the booksmart one.

Sunset is also pretty introverted and usually keeps to herself even when her family is in a fiery discussion. She has sort of a mysterious aura to her and even her closest ponies feel like they don't know her fully.

Random facts:
-Sunset is secretly a comic book artist for one of the most famous comics in Equestria. She has always had a fondness for art and storytelling, as mentioned in her backstory, she got her cutie mark helping a filly with an art project, but due to her parents she never really explored her passion as a child. She found time to practice and even discovered she was talented in the human world.
It's no secret Sunset likes to paint nowadays. Twilight knows it and has plenty of her paintings hung around the castle. What none of her family members suspect is that when she sometimes locks herself in a room with her art supplies she is actually drawing a new page for her comic.


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