Name: Cherry Cupcake Pie/AKA Sweet Sugar Pie Nickname: Cherry Gender: female Species: earth pony Sibling/s: Lemon Pancake Pie (older sister), Blueberry Cream and Chocolate Chip (twin brother) Parents: Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich Personality: very energetic, funny and sometimes crazy Place of birth: Ponyville Place of Residence: Ponyville Bio: From little hooves she started learn how to bake. Cherry loved to do same things as her mother (planing parties, baking cookies and cakes, how to make good jokes, how to shoot from a cannon and much more). Her first friend was Apple Melody, the were really close like peanut butter jam. At the time she meet Rarity's kid, Skylight Diamond. They saw each other almost everyday because Sky really liked cupcake Cherry made there.