
Wintertide Frost is a kirin who was unlike all the others in her village. Instead of fearing the nirik inside her and wanting to oppress it in order to prevent destruction, she wanted her kind to utilize it and embrace it. She wanted them to show Equestria just how powerful they could truly be like in the days of old before they chose to hide in the Peaks of Peril and become a species most have forgotten. Her ideals would eventually get her banished from her village long before the incident that caused the kirin to take the Vow of Silence.

After spending time in the wilderness alone in the peaks for a few years, Wintertide eventually decides to explore Equestria in hopes to find something for herself. Something that could help her do what she felt was right for her as a kirin and not hide away anymore. Her journey would lead her to a desolated city once known as Canterlot. Once a beautiful, famous city where the princesses Celestia and Luna reigned, it's become more of a ghost town where few ponies ventured or left. Within its streets, big and terrifying beasts known as Storm Creatures patrol under the command of their leader, the Storm King, who managed to succeed in his attack on Equestria and now holds the throne. The four princesses have become stone statues, reduced to decorations outside the castle walls as a warning to any who would dare to oppose the new king. Twilight Sparkle's friends have been shackled and enslaved like the rest of the ponies, and the same is said for those who tried to help them defeat the tyrant king. Tempest Shadow was killed after she outlived her usefulness to the satyr king she devoted her life to.

Once entering the city herself, Wintertide Frost finds herself running for her life after being ambushed by a group of Storm Guards. She's eventually captured and brought forth to the king. After witnessing her nirik side as she tries to break free, the Storm King takes an interest in her abilities. Wintertide Frost sees an opportunity, and the two team up to help further bring the world its knees.

A war eventually breaks out between the Storm King and the Crystal Empire, the rebellion's army being led by Prince Shining Armor after getting word from Twilight's friends who manage to escape their prison and flee to the empire to get help. Back in Canterlot, Wintertide Frost continues to work beside the king, calling herself the (self-proclaimed) Queen Regnant, but after learning about the fate of the late Commander Tempest, Wintertide knows she has to find ways to ensure she continues to be of use to him. In her plotting, she decided to offer herself to bear him heirs to his throne. While there is no romantic intent between Wintertide and the Storm King, the deal is made, and she soon gives birth to Prince Storm Burst, and a few years later, Princess Monsoon Blossom.

Prince Storm Burst: The Storm King views his son as the perfect son. The prodigy child who will be able to follow in his footsteps and be the rightful heir he deserves. The fact that he looks similarly to himself is an added bonus, as even when he's no longer the reigning Storm King, he wants those pathetic ponies to see HIM on the throne, not his son. Storm Burst's training begins early in life, as soon as he's capable in his father's eyes. Wintertide is forbidden to offer her son any sort of affection, and her purpose is to only do any paternal duties needed for their child. The Storm King himself does not give his son any real love and affection. He expresses his love and pride in his first born through rigorous, harsh training in combat, which is the norm for his kind back where he's from. Storm Burst himself becomes very conditioned to this treatment and considers it ok, even appropriate, and he's determined to become the king his father assures him he will be. Unfortunately, he will not live to see that day come true.

Princess Monsoon Blossom: Monsoon is viewed as the spare and unwanted child by the king. He never wanted a daughter, and especially not a daughter that looks so cute, so he pushes her away and wants absolutely nothing to do with her.
He forbids her from going anywhere near her brother, and Storm Burst pushes this rule himself (But it's because he actually doesn't want to see his little sister get hurt or worse by their father, not because he doesn't care for her himself). Wintertide on the other hand adores Monsoon Blossom and does all she can to offer her daughter the love she truly deserves. Monsoon follows her mother around most days, better than being cooped up in her room all the time, and looks up to and loves her mother in turn. However, she can't help but feel like something isn't right with how her family is treating the other creatures serving them, even if Wintertide assures her this is the way it's supposed to be. They are their enemies, and need to be reminded of their place, she's told, but that seems wrong to her.


This was drawn last year as a part one for a Mother's Day tribute I made for Wintertide. I tried to copy the movie's art style with this and the second part which I will upload later. Storm Burst would never be allowed to share a moment with his mother and sister, but for the sake of the art I decided to do it anyway. :>

I have so much more to come, but in the meantime please enjoy this intro to the Kirin Verse!


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