Family: Fluttershy (Mother) Big Mac (Father) Apple Cider (Brother) Applejack (Aunt) Caramel (Uncle) Golden Russet (Cousin) Red Delicious (Cousin) Apple Bloom (Aunt) Pipsqueak (Uncle) Tydeman (Cousin) Alexandrite (Coltfriend) Rainbow Dash (Adopted Aunt)
Butterfly's cutie mark is a cerulean butterfly with pink and light blue wings. It leaves a light blue dotted line behind it. This represents her love of flight and her knack for racing. She is so fast, that she leaves a distinctive trail behind her; pink with a red streak, just like her mane and tail.
Despite her being the daughter of the two quietest ponies in Ponyville, Butterfly (her family and close friends call her Butters) is bold and outgoing. Whether she was always like this, or if it is from her flight training with Rainbow Dash, is unknown. She is never hesitant to speak her mind, but knows where the line is drawn (thanks to that one lecture from Flutters after Butters accidentily made her brother, Apple Cider, cry…). Butters is also very close to her mother.
One of the only similarities between Butters and Fluttershy is that they both have insecurities. Butterfly hides hers very well, but she does have her moments. She can get extremely agitated if she feels that she is not pleasing ponies, and occaisonaly gets horrible stage fright before a show. Butters thinks that only her immediate family know of her insecurities, but they are extremely obvious to everypony else.
Butterfly is the only one in her family who is a terrible singer, as she did not inherit her parents' amazing singing voices. Her cousins, Golden Russet and Red Delcious, often tell her this and tease Butters. She often resorts to the pranks that Rainbow has taught her in these situations.