Back at it again with another updated reference. This time is, our favorite mother, Amelio (Previously known as Amelia). I decided to change her name because it was way too human-like for her to not even be from Earth.
Name: Amelio Shocq Nekrisona (Ah-male-io) (Sh-oke) (Ne-kree-so-na)
Age: Deceased (Passed at 257 years old)
Height and Build: Very tall with slim muscle
- God of Nature and Peacemaking
- Very graceful and majestic
- Incredibly patient
- Outstanding fighter
- Heir to her planet
- Left her responsibilities of her planet to run away with a man she loved
- Murdered by that man
Oldest daughter: >>2532903
2nd oldest daughter: >>2397476
Name: Amelio Shocq Nekrisona (Ah-male-io) (Sh-oke) (Ne-kree-so-na)
Age: Deceased (Passed at 257 years old)
Height and Build: Very tall with slim muscle
- God of Nature and Peacemaking
- Very graceful and majestic
- Incredibly patient
- Outstanding fighter
- Heir to her planet
- Left her responsibilities of her planet to run away with a man she loved
- Murdered by that man
Oldest daughter: >>2532903
2nd oldest daughter: >>2397476
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