Copied from Source:
Name: Emerald Aura Belle/Drago
Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Aura
Species: Pony-Dragon hybrid
Looks: Green (Mane and tail colour) and Purple (Coat)
Age: 19
Magic Aura: green
Eyes: Green
Friendly with: Scarlet Twirl, Apple Blossom, Sky Comet, Sweetie Pie, Luster Dawn, Violet Sunlight, Violet Glow and Confetti Cake
Occupation: Gem Marker
Personality: Short-tempered, Friendly, Shut-In, Tidy, Stubborn, Brave, Workaholic, Generous
Powers/Magic: Charge gems into different colors and breaths magic flames
Status: straight, taken (Sky Comet)
Likes: Drawing on her gems, dresses, gem cupcakes,fiction, purple,sour candy, animals, literature, working, privacy, cleaning, art, insides, peace, knitting, family, giving advice, books, candy
Dislikes: Meat, getting dirty,some pony ruined her work,swimming, noises, the outdoors much, lying, mud,sarcasm, burning books, the ocean, blood, stealing, storms, power, practical jokes
Pets:Daphne (Female cat)
Fear: Storms (Astraphobia)
Great-Grandparents: None
Great-Grand Aunts/Uncles:
Grandparents: Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles, Cream Heart
Parents: Rarity Belle/Drago and Spike Drago
Sibling(s): Crystal Rose
Aunts/Uncles: Sweetie Belle and Button Mash
Nephews/nieces: None
Children: None
Cousins: Sugar Jewel
Grandchildren: None
Great Grandchildren: None
Place of Birth: Ponyville
Place of Residence: Ponyville
Cutie mark: None
Name: Emerald Aura Belle/Drago
Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Aura
Species: Pony-Dragon hybrid
Looks: Green (Mane and tail colour) and Purple (Coat)
Age: 19
Magic Aura: green
Eyes: Green
Friendly with: Scarlet Twirl, Apple Blossom, Sky Comet, Sweetie Pie, Luster Dawn, Violet Sunlight, Violet Glow and Confetti Cake
Occupation: Gem Marker
Personality: Short-tempered, Friendly, Shut-In, Tidy, Stubborn, Brave, Workaholic, Generous
Powers/Magic: Charge gems into different colors and breaths magic flames
Status: straight, taken (Sky Comet)
Likes: Drawing on her gems, dresses, gem cupcakes,fiction, purple,sour candy, animals, literature, working, privacy, cleaning, art, insides, peace, knitting, family, giving advice, books, candy
Dislikes: Meat, getting dirty,some pony ruined her work,swimming, noises, the outdoors much, lying, mud,sarcasm, burning books, the ocean, blood, stealing, storms, power, practical jokes
Pets:Daphne (Female cat)
Fear: Storms (Astraphobia)
Great-Grandparents: None
Great-Grand Aunts/Uncles:
Grandparents: Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles, Cream Heart
Parents: Rarity Belle/Drago and Spike Drago
Sibling(s): Crystal Rose
Aunts/Uncles: Sweetie Belle and Button Mash
Nephews/nieces: None
Children: None
Cousins: Sugar Jewel
Grandchildren: None
Great Grandchildren: None
Place of Birth: Ponyville
Place of Residence: Ponyville
Cutie mark: None
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