
Originally posted on: May 27, 2019, 10:20 PM UTC
amber gem
Name: amber gem
Nicknames: amby, amb, AG
Parents: apple jack x spike
Species: drangon pony
Description: she is more like her mom and was always a mommys girl. But she dose have her childhood friend coraliss who she is clostest to unlike her other friends who she enjoys spending time with. She dose enjoy eating lots of gems like her father but sometimes she cant control her fire, she also has trouble getting her cutie mark but coraliss manages to help her find what her special talent.

So this is apple jack and spikes daughter im not realy sure what her story is or whatever but I'll figure out soon i promise -@
safe2496722 artist:cocolove2176421 imported from derpibooru3670937 oc1098345 oc only774720 dracony9822 dragon93364 hybrid34524 pony1682869 blushing322020 eyelashes28379 female1988248 heart eyes30925 interspecies offspring10657 offspring54123 parent:applejack5394 parent:spike3192 parents:applespike130 reference sheet21341 simple background666459 transparent background303942 wingding eyes43267


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