
Other optional information:

Nickname: Thunder, Rolly Polly (parents)
Gender: Trans (He/Him)

Cutie Mark: TBD
Special Talent: Bringing rain and thunderstorms
Job: Rain bringer for farmers

Rolling Thunder has a short temper, and is super defensive about his identity and self-worth… but he has a good soul, under all that anger and frustration. He's dedicated to the little people, and everyone's right to a comfortable living- and it makes him! So mad! To see people living in wealth and riches, while some farming ponies are struggling to get by! It's just not fair!!

Rolling Thunder enjoys spending time by himself, or with his sisters. He's a family pony, and perhaps a bit of a hermit- but that's okay, because he can make his living just fine by doing that.

Rolling Thunder was born Spring Rain to Misty Haze and Lightening Flash. He was the first born of three foals to the farming pair, located on the border between the Dryhoof Desert and the Great plains, and was considered one of the three sisters for many years. By his parents, that is.

Thunder was lucky in many ways that his little sister, Sun Shower, found her special talent in self-expression and identity. Because when he was finally ready to admit the discomfort behind his snarls, Sun Shower was fully prepared to accept her older brother with open hooves and resources a plenty. Sun Shower had been expecting this from a young age, and was fully in her older brother's corner from day one- and Morning Fog was only half a trot behind.

The day Thunder came out to his parents saw the beginning of three weeks of thunder storms. The weather blustered over the small farming region as Haze and Flash struggled with their son's declaration, as tempers ran short and explanations were heavy in every conversation.

It was the acquisition of Thunder's cutie mark that saw the storms to an end. A declaration of Thunder's power, and Thunder's decision, all balled up into one; there was no denying their son now.

Rolling Thunder still has a rocky relationship with his parents, and is quick to snap defensively at questions directed towards any part of his identity as he understands it. But he finds solace in the constant request for his rain powers across the farming region, and in the unwavering support of his two sisters.

Thunder always had a fair bit of a temper on him before everything with his parents went down. The old family joke was 'fire cracker', though now it's changed to 'lightening strike'. A small, additional sign of love and support.
Thunder's favourite snack is raw carrot sticks. They are something he can munch on, out in the farming fields, and they have this lovely 'cronch' sound that he finds soothing, stimulation wise.
Thunder has the pony equivalent of ADHD. It shows less in hyperactivity (though his ability to hyperfocus should never be underestimated), and more in his inability to regulate his emotions and associated outbursts.
His cloudy mane usually only has lightening flashing around inside of it.
There's more lightening flashing around, and even an audible rolling of thunder, when Thunder's temper runs high.
It rarely rains, but when it does, you can guarantee that Sun Shower's 'depress brother' senses are going off. Rain means Thunder is too depressed to even light a spark of argument, and no lightening is visible at this time.
When Thunder feels especially gleeful, his hair lightens in colour, and the lightening almost completely disappears.
And when he's in love… well, no one's seen that yet- so no one can be sure. Shower theorises that his hair will turn pink, but Thunder strongly denies that as a possibility.
Thunder considers himself panromantic and asexual, but he's never really been secure enough in himself to have a relationship… so no one is really sure about that.


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