
((If there’s any people who think Sunset being Starlight’s mother is too weird because of their crossover from the EQG specals. Part of the reason for doing this meetup between the two Sunsets is to make it more clear the differences between the two. Everything that happened in Equestria Girls did not happen in Genie Twilight’s universe. The events in Genie Sci-Twi are closer to a more canon verse for both the Equestria and human world where EQG takes place where yes it’s impossible there for Sunset and Starlight to be related.

But in Genie Twilight’s verse where Sunset was entirely freed up for me to make my own incarnation of Sunset in a universe where EQG doesn’t happen and the best way to sort of fit her to make a just about complete puzzle of the 9 seasons of the show. Especially in regards to a good amount of Starlight’s past that we’ll likely never know canonically.

I am not saying I think Sunset is Starlight’s mother in canon and I don’t aim to make people believe that. This is specific to the universes adjacent to I Dream of Twilight Sparkle. It’s a conclusion I came up while developing Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear in which part of the motive for making the story was to give my own answer to questions left unanswered by the show. It just came to me when I was thinking to myself how to explain both Starlight’s raw power and also acknowledging we never got who Starlight’s mother was. I repeat, it’s my own conclusion that I think makes sense in the context of the story of Genie Twilight. It’s always been very canon adjacent ever since I started doing the episode responses since Season 3. But this is still something I’m free to give my own interpretation when it comes time to differ from canon or offer an explanation for something unanswered that might not be for everybody.

It’s not even the only case of this in the blog’s history. Given Twilight and Spike being adopted Mother and Son is also sort of a stretched definition of their relationship in the show. When they’ve generally kept it vague until I guess the Season 9 episode where Spike suggests he wants to feel like a little brother. It just might feel more natural by now because it’s been this way ever since the blog was only a year old))


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