It was around this time, Cozy got free from the stone and learnt everything. This was her chance to become ruler of the divided Equestria but before she did this, she left to find a artifact that could at least give her alicorn powers again and she did in the form of the Alicorn Amulet. She wore it on her forehead like a horn and when she tried to use it, due to her age and inexperience as well as this amulet being unstable, the amulet exploded on her giving her her scars, her loss of cutie mark and a darker scar on her forehead in the shape of the jewel of the amulet. She may have lost the amulet but she did managed to regain the alicorn magic to some degree in the diamond scar that now substituted as a horn. She flew to the divided lands and tried to proclaim herself as the new ruler of all of Equestria and she was expecting cheers. Instead, she was attacked by the Unicorns and Earth Ponies causing her to be rescued by the Pegasi who filled her in on tense animosity. It was then she learnt that Equestria has been locked in eternal winter cause now with the ponies separated by species, living with mistrust and animosity as well as there's no friendship, the Windigoes returned with a vengence but rather killing the ponies by freezing, they decided to lock Equestria in eternal winter forever.
With her ambitions to be the new empress of Equestria squandered by the ponies, she decided to do the next big thing: ruin the peace between toons and anime. And she started by stroking her fears and paranoia of the CCG and Guys in white by saying that the Vasto Saigais are evil and those with spirtual awareness are diseased resulting in Karakura Town being isolated by a wall. In the meantime, Cozy started her own empire with a few surviving beings that was greatly affected by the madness and had to go into hiding as well as the little Vasto Diablos calling them her friends as she plans for the next big calamity in her image. And it all starts by finding the Book of Evil….
TashaHemlock's avatar TashaHemlock 5d There maybe peace at the moment, but Cozy will ruin it with her Calamity legion. As for the current problem in Equestria. I'll be diving into that later.
CashWolf14's avatar CashWolf14 5d Well, good. And again, hats off to you for writing something so cool, but what does that have to do with my critique? PS, do you have any deviations of those bloodthirsty demonic changelings? After reading about them, I just HAVE to see them with my own eyes
VIEW ALL REPLIES Grox9909's avatar Grox9909 5d Great, it's been a while since you made a Groxverse art.
TashaHemlock's avatar TashaHemlock 5d You can use the tag if ya like. Also, I even explained the current state of Equestria after the Calamity which kinda based off the G5 movie synopsis and how she is starting her own empire to enact a 2nd calamity by causing distrust.