losing hope pt 1
''I still wish you could come'' '' i know but you and i both know why i cant'' ''but im not a royal why is it fair i go and you dont!'' ''Discord'' ''okay okay fine'' discord sighed holding fluttershys hooves he then kissed her on the forehead ''ill miss you shy'' ''i know me too and you'll be back in a week right'' ''darling i will try to be here earlier'' ''oh i hope you will before the baby comes'' discord smiled warmly as he looked down at her stomach, took his paw and claw then touched it. he then kissed her belly fluttershy only blushed and giggled as she looked down at her loving husband ''i will see you when i return little chaos.
'' bye dissy'' ''goodbye me sweet'' they both waved at each other ''alright discord come on we have to go now'' celestia said ''i know im coming'' discord then took flight flying in the air he looked back to fluttershy who was waving bye to him discord smiled and waved back to her.
Days went by and fluttershy was a stressed mess running back and forth taking care of cory and brezzie, taking care of her chores, and even taking care of her self. Coraliss just watched her mom run back and forth she looked at her with concern ''mom'' ''yes cory what is it hunny'' ''are you okay'' ''yes im fine hunny'' fluttershy lied it was better to tell the truth right?
That night fluttershy got a letter from discord saying ''dearest fluttershy im sorry im not home yet but it appears that im not ganna be home untill next week it seems the princess have alot to go through right know so im sorry i cant be home early i really wish i could but i love you shy i love you so much!! <3'' fluttershy put the letter down as tears filled her eyes ''thats lovely'' fluttershy looked over to the bathroom seeing scissors on the sink she then got up and walked over to it picked up the scissors and began cutting her mane.
After she was down she looked at her self in the mirror and began to cry ''how can anyone love such an ugly mare like me'' fluttershy fell on the floor crying in her hooves…..