Tall to short: Twilight > Applejack > Rainbow Dash > Rarity = Fluttershy > Pinkie Pie Young to old: Twilight < Pinkie Pie < Fluttershy = Rainbow Dash = Applejack < Rarity
✶ Twilight Sparkle
She's a Bisexual cis mare. She was between Rainbow and Applejack in height before she became alicorn, but after the transformation gave the boost. She keep contact with her Canterlot friends, usually writes them letters. She really loves Flurry Heart, Is that cool aunt who always buy gifts for her nephews and takes them for a travel.
❣ Pinkie Pie
She's a Queer and likes plays arround with pronouns, you basically have to ask her what pronouns she uses that day. She's basically a fluffy ball of fur. She has a very heavy sleep, it's very difficult to wake her up. Although it was never known if she was Applejack's familiar or not, both she and the apple's are still considered a family.
❀ Fluttershy
She's a Demiromantic Demi-pansexual cis mare Fluttershy with short hair Is super cute you can't change my mind. She has social anxiety, It has stronger before she meet Twilight but with the support of her friends and a therapist its in control now, of course she lacks things to improve but she knows she has friends and family who support her. She keep the ears and fangs of when she became a bat pony, Is like a secondary effect but that don't gives ver any issue.
♦ Rarity
She's a Bisexual cis mare She is not physically strong, so whenever she fights she tries to do it at a distance using her magic. Getting a couple Is very important for her, she has gone out on several dates hoping to find her soul mate.
❦ Applejack
She's a shappic cis mare She's as tall as her brother Big Mac. She and her family usually make picnics under the tree that her parents planted when they marry. She and Rainbow Dash dated for a while, but they realized they appreciated each other more as friends than as a couple, so they broke up and continued as friends.
☁ Rainbow Dash
He's a Bisexual Genderfluid, uses she/he pronouns but usually uses he. He has ADHD, this caused her a lot of problems especially in school. He took an strong interest in reptils when he adopted Tank, usually when Fluttershy needs help for take care of some reptil he's the first one on oferts help.