Notably was that the changeling's eggs seemed to entirely skip the grub process entirely and go straight to nymphs. This in turn increased the size of an egg considerably, which in turn caused possibly Carapace's favorite effect of the change. Gravid changelings became utterly massive.
His mate, Spiracle had happened to conceive a rare grand clutch of eggs, which combined with the vigor of the developing changelings rendered her nearly immobile after a time. Carapace couldn't tear himself away from how wonderful his mate had become, a shining beacon of fertility with the most rubbable, worship worthy belly he had ever seen. He had been staying by her side the past few days, wanting to relish every moment with her like this. Now that her labor was starting they wanted to end the pregnancy with quite a show. Carefully manuvering her laboring self inch by inch and stretching back, Spiracle gave enough room for Carapace to scoot under that mountain of a belly and let his mate rest it on him, his already stiff member going harder as the entire weight pressed on him, seeing and feeling every egg currently packed in her and shifting for the chance to be laid first.
They both knew they only had a third of an hour at most until her laying truly started. It was time to make the most of it.