
The CMC, Clover, and Melody were standing in the band with Dimond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"So, what's this here Easter dance you wanted to show us?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Only the best dance ever!" Diamond Tiara said, with excitement.

"A total dance craze!" Silver Spoon added.

"It must be good if these two like it," Scootaloo muttered to her friends, who giggled.

"So what's it called?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"The Hoparena!" The two rich girls exclaimed.

"The Hoparena?" Melody raised a brow. "What kind of dance is that?"

"It's the latest greatest dance craze that's sweeping the nation!" Silver Spoon explained.

"And we thought it would be perfect for Easter," Diamond Tiara added.

"Oooo, I wanna learn it!" Clover said, excitedly.

"Me too," Sweetie Belle chimed in.

"I guess it could be fun," Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah," Scootaloo agreed.

Melody shrugged. "Eh, I've got nothing better to do. So how does go?"

"We're glad you asked," Diamond Tiara said, as Silver Spoon turned on a music player and latin rhythm filled the room.

Then the two girls turned their backs, tapped their feet, and swayed their hips as they began to sing…

[Diamond Tiara]

This dance is great, so follow along, if you please-e

[Silver Spoon]

We both think you'll totally agree-e

[Diamond Tiara]

And when we're feeling really really happy


We do the Hopperena!

"Now like you asked before, 'What is the Hopperena?'" Diamond Tiara said.

Silver Spoon added. "And you may also be wondering, "And how do I do the Hopperena? What am I missing out on? Will people like me if I fail to grasp it? Should I just eat a bon-bon and go back to bed?'"

"That's totally normal," Diamond Tiara assured. "Calm down, and we will show you!"

[Diamond Tiara]

You don't need much to do the Hopperena!

[Silver Spoon]

It won't take too much time to explain-a!

[Diamond Tiara]

Fuzzy slippers on your feet

[Silver Spoon]

Bunny ears upon your brain-a


Do the Hopperena!

The two put on bunny slippers and ears as Diamond Tiara began, "Okay! Now that we've got on bunny slippers and ears, what we're going to do is take a hop to the left!"

"Left!" Silver Spoon said, as they hopped to the left with the CMC, Melody, and Clover followed along.

"Beautiful!" Diamond Tiara smiled. "Now take a hop to the right!"

"Right!" Silver Spoon said, as they all hopped to the right.

"Perfect!" Diamond Tiara cheered. "You've got it!

[Diamond Tiara]

Hop to the left —


We do the Hopperena!

[Silver Spoon]

Then hop to the right


I love the Hopperena!

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

Back to the left


And do it once again-a

[All the girls]

Oh, hopperena!

At the last hop, the girls all did a mid-air twirl and giggled.

"That was fun!" Melody admitted.

"Yeah it was!" Clover said.

"Now we get why you do like it so much," Apple Bloom noted.

"See," Diamond Tiara said.

"And you mastered the dance so quickly!" Silver Spoon added.

"Well it is pretty easy to follow along," Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"Let's keep going!" Scootaloo said, and the girls kept hopping.

Meanwhile, Rarity was walking still working on her bonnet when she heard the music and looked inside, seeing the girls hopping around.

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

Hop to the left

[CMC, Melody, and Clover]

We do the Hopperena!

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

Then hop to the right —

"Hold it!" Rarity barged in, and they stopped hopping. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, hi Rarity," Sweetie Belle said. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were showing us this dance craze!"

"I noticed," Rarity replied. "Anf forgive me for being critical, darlings, but I'd hardly call that a dance craze."

"What do you mean?" Diamond Tiara asked, feeling irked.

"Well, hop to the left, hop to the right, hop to the left, hop to the right again — that isn't really a dance, it's hopscotch," Rarity explained.

"That's Hopperena!" Silver Spoon stated.

"A dance has to be more involved!" Rarity went on. "You need more steps, more room for interpretation!"

"We have bunny ears," Clover noted.

"You think it's so easy?" Diamond Tiara challenged. "Let's see you do it!"

"I beg your pardon?" Rarity asked.

"Come on, Rarity!" Sweetie Belle urged. "It's fun!"

Rarity sighed. "Oh, very well." Then she began hopping to the left and right until Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stopped her.

No, no, no, no, no!" Diamond Tiara said. "You need the ears and feet." Then she gave Rarity her slippers while Silver Spoon put her bunny ears on the fashionista's head.

[Diamond Tiara]

Rarity is a serious fashionista

[Silver Spoon]

I believe you'd probably agree with us!

[Diamond Tiara]

The best way to not be a sourpuss


Do the Hopperena!

[Diamond Tiara]

Hop to the left!

[Silver Spoon]

She does the Hopperena!

[Diamond Tiara]

She hops to the right!

[Silver Spoon]

Try not-a to complain-a!

[Diamond Tiara]

Back to the left

[Silver Spoon]

And do it once again-a!


Hey, hopperena!

As Rarity was hopping left and right, she started to enjoy herself. "This is actually quite fun!"

"Told you," Sweetie Belle said.

"Let's see…" Rarity began. "I hop to the left…"

[Sweetie Belle]

Hoppy hopperena!



[Apple Bloom]

Hop to the right!


I love the Hopperena!


Back to the left!


I'll do it once again-a!

Hey Hopperena!

Rarity laughed as she continued to hop around. "Oh, ha ha, haha! This is quite fun! Ha, ha, ha, haha! La, ha, ha, haha!"

"She's really enjoying the dance," Melody muttered to the others.

"Ahm, can I have my ears back?" Diamond Tiara asked, but Rarity was too busy hopping to pay attention.

"Ha, ha, ha, haha!"

"Okay, that's enough, thank you!" Silver Spoon said, but Rarity still wasn't listening.

"This is very pleasant!" Rarity continued to hop all over the room until she froze. She noticed that all her friends, the Turtles, and Allies were standing in the doorway. She stood and smiled nervously, removing the bunny ears. "Um, hello darlings. You didn't happen to see…"

"You hopping around all over the place?" Sunset noted.

"Yes, yes we did," Donnie confirmed.

Rarity blushed as Diamond Tiara said to her, "I am embarrassed for you!"

"That looked super fun!" Pinkie gushed.

"I wanna try!" Mikey said.

Then the two began hopping the Hopperena.

Song "Hopperena" from VeggieTales. Edits by me.

Inspired and based off the picture: by an unknown artist.

Equestria Ninja Girls by DarkMagicianmon


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