
It had been eight days since Twilight Sparkle had left for the Crystal Empire, and nothing had been heard from the Princess. Within that time, guards had searched tirelessly across the entirety of the empire, the frozen north, and Equestria.

And they had found something.

"Princess Zecora?" A guard removed his helmet, a sign of respect for the zebra.

"Just Zecora, thank you." She put her hoof forward to shake- "Uh,"


"Thank you, Thunderdome." She sighed heavily.

"Well, I'll get right to the point." Thunderdome returned to his more official voice. "I regret to inform you that Princess Twilight Sparkle's body has been found in the crystal caves. It appears as though blunt force trauma, along with blood loss was the cause of death. I am so sorry."

Zecora simply nodded and closed the door before breaking down in tears. Through the closed door, she heard Thunderdome quietly: "Really, I am very sorry Zecora. But… your daughter needs to know. Shall we tell her?"

"No, I'll tell her."

"Djinn?" Zecora whimpered quietly, summoning her daughter. Djinn sat with her five friends, going over clues as to where her mother could be when she heard the noise. Immediatley, she took a deep breath and looked towards the others: "I think they've found her."

"Djinn, your mother…" Her daughter nodded softly, hugging her remaining parent. "I know, mom. She's dead, isn't she?"



Sidenote: I know the way I dolled this isn't entirely accurate to the story, but whatever, I tried.

So with Rarity missing and Twilight dead, who is left to be the heirs of the elements? (That's the Umbverse EoH, by the way, the Heirs of the Elements). The reason that Djinn is so outwardly chill about this is because her parents raised her to be strong, to not let anyone or anything lessen her spirits. This of course doesn't mean she isn't allowed to be upset, but she should always be around for the ponies she loves.

This event takes place about two years after the end of the Umbrum war, when Nightengale has just started to be welcomed into Ponyville's society. Ponies still don't outwardly trust her (except for friends and family) because of her relation to King Sombra. The next thing to happen after this is the six discovering the elements of harmony and the fact that they can weild them.


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