Born to Silly


Originally posted on: June 23, 2015, 9:26 AM UTC
The deep dark woods
When you can't decide, go both ways.

The Petra siblings:

Despite being the older one, Meri the more vulnerable of the two. She was coddled by their mother, and grew up to distrust other creatures, believing that they'd ridicule or even attempt to harm her. As such, her default reaction to encountering a stranger is to run away or hide in her brother's shadow. Her younger brother tries to teach her a different view, but secretly fears it to be impossible. Due to this, Meri has no friends other than her brother.

Meri is a rather talented cook, and has an extensive knowledge of how to best gather and prepare the flora of the forest. Despite this, she has no interest in cooking and would rather wander among the trees.

The younger brother similarly doesn't not like to approach strangers, but does not let that stop him from aiding those who are lost. He feels protective of his sister, but hopes that she'll one day learn to fend for herself in difficult situations. Usva tries to appear calm and patient, but can easily be overrun by a strong emotion. When angered he becomes blinded by rage, while in contrast, a happy Usva is almost childishly playful. He can be difficult to approach, but once trust is earned, becomes a good and reliable friend.

Usva learned at a young age to read the undergrowth and trees to his advantage, and has claimed from time to time that there is no forest he cannot navigate.

Both Meri and Usva are dreamers, and spend long evenings together spinning fantastical tales of far-away places.


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