Coppied From Source:
These two are something different… Poor Luna had to deal with Celestia's sh!t for years….. All Luna wanted was some peace and quiet, and Celestia wasn't gonna give that to her. Y'know, since Luna does her duty at night she's basically asleep all day (goes to sleep at 7 am and wakes up at 2 pm). So, Celestia thinks that it's just a GREAT idea to piss her off while she's asleep, like screaming her name, drawing on her face, or the shaving cream in hand scenario… you name it. I can't believe that Luna hasn't broken her bones yet…
And also on top of Celestia's criminal actions, she constantly continues to tease at Luna's height (I mean, but she finds it cute though😃, but Luna has just had enough of her). And yes, Luna will always demand a piggy back ride or to carry her bridal style in return for Celestia annoying her.
But don't worry though, Luna isn't ridiculously mad at Celestia, she's just learned to tolerate her behavior. She loves her quirky and comical sister (though Luna can come off as a bit snappy towards her), and is glad that she's still alive and well with her.
So yeah, this was another little drawing, nothing much. I hope you all are having a fantastic day!😁
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