Fast Track: The oldest of the bunch, and the oopsie spawn of a spicy yet short romance between Dash and Quibble. He's a champion racer on both hoof and in the air, thanks to his healthy and well-balanced mix of earth pony and pegasus genetics.
Northern Winds: Second oldest and first son between RD and her husband Soarin'. He's very level-headed and a very talented on-hoof weather guy, not to mention his wings are very powerful, and generate above the average air that a normal pegasus would, making him very handy when cleaning up storms.
Monochrome: The second RD and Soarin' kiddo and the only one who was even interested in being a Wonderbolt. He managed to get in, even after being teased for being "the shortest stallion the recruits had ever seen" (thanks mama RD), but it came with a cost. During flight practice he was practicing a dangerous stunt when bad weather unexpectedly rolled in- and in the midst of it all, it cost the young flyer his right wing. It was dislocated to the point where it had to be removed surgically, seeing as how the storm almost did that itself. Now he's a one winged pegasus that has a tremendous amount of guilt and saltiness built up inside of him- though he hardly speaks about such things aloud.
Prime Spectacle: The youngest of the kiddos and definitely the lankiest and fluffiest. He's a performer at many shows, a sweet-hearted guitarist that likes to implement flashy outfits and flying techniques into his shows. Plus, the kid really knows how to rock out and party.