Studying plants, huh? With how energetic she is, you'd expect something a bit less… academic. Then again, it definitely suits her name. (You always wondered how these things work out.) Hey, maybe she knows a thing or two about those glowing algae…
You ask Moonflower if she knows anything about the glowing algae that grows in the area.
Moonflower: "That's chaos seagrass. S'pretty cool, huh?"
You say that it was, until you tried to harvest some.
Moonflower: "Heeheehee! You're not supposed to cut it when it's glowy or you'll get zapped!"
You ask how to harvest it.
Moonflower: "Chaos seagrass loses its magic when it gets hit by sunlight, so you can harvest some on the surface when it's daytime."
You ask if it keeps its healing properties without magic.
Moonflower: "Nuh uh, it just turns into wet grass, and it dies if you bring it too far away from the Everfree Forest, 'cause I think it feeds on chaos magic."
You ask if it has any other uses.
Moonflower: "Well, you can eat it, and it tastes kinda good! It also makes water hot, which is fun when you wanna take a bath, but less fun when you're thirsty."
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