Cool indeed! But where's the fun in mare's poison? This is a good spot to ask Moonflower about her cutie mark though. What's up with the crescent flower on her butt, and does it come with alchemy skills as well? If Moonflower can whip up some mean potions we should consider investing in a hotplate, ambix, cucurbit and retort.
You ask Moonflower where the fun is in mare's poison.
Moonflower: "I dunno 'cause I got my special toy, but it's for when ya got boy pony friends you like a lot. It's a pain in the butt to make, though, 'cause ya get cursed if you touch poison joke flowers."
At the mention of butts and flowers, you ask if her special talent is related to botany.
Moonflower: "Heehee! Oh, yeah! My cutie mark! I guess it's got somethin' to do with plants, 'cause I got it while I was studyin' some."
You ask her if she is an alchemist.
Moonflower: "Kinda, but I don't got the kit an' caboodle to make the fancy stuff yet, so I gotta stick to simple recipes like this one.
Oh! By the way, if ya got empty bottles, I can fill 'em up with somethin' useful. I know a few recipes, just gotta have the ingredients for it."
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