1. Thunderbird and his Wonderbolts wingmate, Piper. She's the only daughter of Spitfire and Fluttershy. She and Thunder are a duo on the Wonderbolts B Team. Piper is the leadpony, while Thunderbird is her wingpony. They're a fantastic duo, arguably the best on the B Team. Spitfire swears she didn't pair them together because of how cool their colors look together, but that's definitely a big reason. Piper's racer name is Firebird, and Thunderbird's is just his name. Fans call them Fire & Thunder, Sun & Moon, NightFire… among many other things. One of their famous tricks is called "The Eclipse." Fans from far and wide travel just to see these two fly together.
Piper's hair isn't naturally up like that- she actually has really long hair, like her mom Fluttershy, but it's much more convenient to keep it short as a professional flier. Eventually it gets slicked back from how often she flies (and how fast), which eventually happens to every Wonderbolt (Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, etc). It also kind of works out to make them look more organized if they all have the same hairstyle.
Thunderbird often complains about his twin sis Greywind, and Piper just sorta listens. They're mostly friends by circumstance, and don't really hang out much outside of work. But they're very close, and it shows when they're flying. They're a great team.
2. Panther, when he finally makes it to Equestria, despises the ponies who preach "diversity" and "inclusion." He's frustrated by pony ignorance. He and his zebra herd had to endure years of starvation, predation by panthers, among other things. Equestria didn't lend a single hoof in sympathy. In fact, Equestria often erases its history of oppression out of embarrassment. The average pony thinks life really is a dream come true, at least in Equestria, but Panther and his herd know the harder truths. It's not easy for everyone.