Born to Silly


coalwood12 said:
Yay for being an earth pony cause now Trailblazer can kiss the mint right out of Moonflower's mouth.

You roll a 1 (required 9). Critical failure.

You lean in to take the mint leaf from Moonflower with a friendly kiss, but you excitedly inhale your own saliva, and begin to choke and sputter instead.

Moonflower manages to catch the falling leaf with her hooves before it reaches the ground.

Moonflower: "Whoa, you okay?"

After a short coughing fit, you let Moonflower know that you're fine.

Aside from your pride, you feel unharmed. You clear your throat, then take the offered mint leaf from Moonflower's hoof, and begin to chew on it.

Your breath smells minty fresh!

Not a moment later, Leaf Chaser walks into the town hall.

Leaf Chaser: "Sis, I'm back‼"

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