
t4v5 said:
I'm feeling like barley soup. Oh! I suppose we could've brought some ingredients from home, didn't we still have some carrots? Ask Moonflower if she wants to go fetch whatever is home to go with whatever she wants in the soup. We'll take care of some barley harvesting in the meantime.

You roll a 7 (required 10). Partial success.

You decide on barley soup, and ask Moonflower to go get whatever she can find at home to put in the soup while you gather some grain.

Moonflower: "M'on it!"

As Moonflower trots back to your house, you grab a basket of tools from a nearby rack, and walk to the nearest patch of barley. You use the sickle to harvest a good amount, and then proceed to thresh the grain.

As you attempt to winnow the barley, strong gusts of wind cause you to lose some of it. No longer having enough, you use the sickle to harvest some more, and begin the process again.

Moonflower soon returns with a small basket containing two apples, two carrots, and two slices of bread.

Moonflower: "I found this!"

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