First thing we should do is check our mail for the reward Leaf Chaser wanted to send us. Maybe it's food. Or some bits to buy food. We really have to buy some food today, there's not much left apart from the cake and cookies…
You go outisde to check the mail. Inside the mailbox, you find an envelope from Crystal Charm, and a small package from Leaf Chaser.
In the envelope, you find a letter. The letter reads:
"Good morning, Trailblazer! I hope you and Moonflower had a fun night. I went to investigate the cave near my campsite, and found my way to Starfalls Town. I think I saw one of your flags on the way out. Good thinking! I'll let you know if anything comes out of this little expedition. —Crystal Charm ♥"
In the small package, you find a letter, two scarves, and two sets of socks. The letter reads:
"Hi Blazy-butt! Fall is coming, so I made you a scarf. Mom wanted to help, so she made one for Moonflower too. And socks. Anyway, thanks for the help! -Leaf Chaser"
You bring the items inside the house, and find Moonflower in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.
Moonflower: "Check it out, I made porridge! Well, it's almost done. Hey, what'cha got?"
You tell Moonflower that Leaf Chaser sent you scarves and socks to thank you for yesterday.
Moonflower: "Oh, cool! Totally worth it."
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