You shouldn't underestimate your flirting powers like that, Blazer. Looks like this is turning into more than a few hugs… Keep your energy, though, and try not to lose track of time. With the rain scheduled for today, you'll have the whole afternoon for more snuggles, after all. 10 minutes, maybe 15, then you should grab your scarves, bits and map of Hoofington and get ready to meet Windcaller.
You and Moonflower decide to relax for a few minutes. You hold each other close, and exchange a few kisses and nuzzles. Before long, you are interrupted by the sound of weak knocking.
Moonflower walks over to the nearest window, and peers outside. She looks down to find Windcaller at the door.
Moonflower: "Hey, good timing! We were just gettin' started! Heehee…"
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