MINI GRID [closed] A TINY QUICK ONE None of the parents here are for sale, they're all personal ponies of mine! <3
ALL FOALS ARE $5/500 POINTS EACH! Reply to the 'REPLY HERE TO CLAIM FOALS' comment, clearly stating which box you want! (i.e., "I'd like to buy A3 with points", "I want to buy D3 with points", etc.)
B1 -Amiookamiwolf B2 -PixelEnchantress B3 -NaviPixels C1 -NaviPixels C2 -Amiookamiwolf C3 -Jahpan All bases are by me <3 This is first come first serve. Please be prepared to pay within 24 hours. If you buy the design, you can do literally whatever you want with it. Change the markings, gender, torture them, make a totally different species, i seriously dgaf If you buy, the one thing you're not allowed to do is claim you designed it. please always credit me. And I think that about covers it!