One vessel flute recital to add to this evening's schedule, then! Now, we have an errand to run at the spice shop, and some splashing to do! Also, see if you could grab some board games or something of the sort to keep yourselves busy this evening.
You tell Windcaller that you were thinking about spending the afternoon at the lake, and ask him what he thinks.
Windcaller: "I… have nothing against it."
Moonflower: "You guys go ahead, I'm gonna go buy some fire peppers at the market and catch up with ya in a bit!"
You exit the house. While you and Windcaller follow the road south to Mare's Tail Lake, Moonflower takes off southwest to the market.
A few minutes later, you reach a small sand beach on the southern shore of the lake. To the west, you find a rack with some volley balls, sand castle building kits, and other water toys.
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