
Originally posted on: April 16, 2020, 7:15 PM UTC
Fake Unicorn Medic
Yes I promised that Hippogriff Medic would be the last Medic.
But ok. It's second female Medic in RED.


Name: Light Hope;

Race: fake unicorn;

Weapons: She uses Mediguns (She don't see so she can't fighting).

*Originaly Hope was a earth pony, but she wanted badly to be a healer, so she went to Kirin Medic where with his help she becams unicorn;

*Kirin Medic don't wanted to this because this kind of magic is very brutal for earth ponies (they have to pick something they must lost, like Hope picked to lost her sight), pegasuses or unicorns can change its wings into horns, or horns into wings;

*Her eyecolor was gold-green;

She "sees" ponies mind;

*More informations soon.

Note: Her outfit is inspired by look what I never used for female Medic (vest dress):…

*If you want to draw this character don't ask me, just credit me when you post the art with it or tell me you want to draw it


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