- Twilight gained a lot of height after her alicorn ascension. So much that she's almost up to Applejack's chin, and grew taller than Rarity. She may be the shortest alicorn princess (even Flurry and her own daughter are taller than her), but she's still taller than almost all of her friends. Not Tempest though- Tempest practically towers over her. It could be the Earth Pony genes in her, or maybe she has some giraffe blood deep in her family tree, but Tempest is basically a rock. She loses a bit of her muscle when she transitions to Equestrian life and leaves behind strict Storm King military training, but even still she's pretty tall.
- Tempest doesn't have a cutie mark until years into her marriage with Twilight. Since childhood she sort of just accepted that she'd forever be a blank flank, and she honestly didn't have a problem with it. But eventually she discovers her talent, and earns two crossed swords on her flank. It's meant to symbolize her protective nature, and how good she is at being a guard. She always puts her family first.
- Had things gone a little differently in Tempest's life, she may have earned a cutie mark in something completely different, like baking or cooking. She's the chef in the family and cooks dinners at night, and she's surprisingly really good at it.
- Over the years, the skin around Tempest's horn starts to break down, so it's not as sharp and pointed as it was when it first snapped. Flurry Heart's broken horn is still very fresh, but hers will also break down over time and smoothen a little.
- Twi and Tempest are a super happy couple, but they do have the occasional fight. Tempest sometimes becomes unresponsive and distant and neither of them really know why. They always work through it eventually, but it's a recurring thing.
- Tempest and Cadence are good buddies, thanks to Twilight's pushing. It's why Cadence ultimately requests Tempest's help in counseling Flurry when she loses her horn, even though Tempest's daughter is the one who blew Flurry's horn off.
- They're both very busy during the day, and even though they're practically standing next to each other all the time (Tempest is Twilight's Royal Guard), they always try to end their nights together. Together together, like a nice dinner or a movie.
- Twilight and Tempest are incredibly happy together but they're… sort of a dysfunctional family with Cassie in the picture. Tempest is kind of the glue who keeps them all together, because Cass and Twilight are usually arguing when they're in the same room.
- They both love each other a lot, but Tempest's love for Twi is unparalleled. She'd probably die if she lost Twilight, and she may have even admitted that at some point.
not really sure who to draw next, but i'd like to continue the couples thing because it's been fun so far! already crossed off Twipest and Cleardash, so let me know what you'd like to see, if any. i could go with Rarity and Applejack, Fluttershy and Spitfire, Pinkie and Cheese, Starlight and Sunset or even Starlight with Ember. or any other more obscure ships like, i dunno Trixie and Slater or Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara
but ye thank you for checking this out!! Twipest (at least in my interpretation) is bittersweet but they love each other i promise