Born to Silly


Better get our equipment ready just in case

You ask to equip your items as well.

Dawn Break: "Done. Your longsword increases your attack by one, and your cursed pendant has no obvious effects…"

You now enter the enchanted forest, and begin to search for something to fight. After a few minutes of navigating the withered undergrowth, your attention is caught by the cries of a small animal nearby.

Behind a thorny bush, you find a vicious slime draining the life out of a struggling rabbit. The slime is immediately distracted by the arrival of a much bigger meal, and the rabbit manages to scurry away…

Dawn Break: "You have entered combat.

During combat, you can only act on your turn. To determine the turn order, you must all roll for initiative, and the character with the highest initiative acts first. If two characters are tied, then the character with the highest dexterity acts first."

You roll a fifteen, Moonflower rolls a seventeen, Sea Swirl rolls a fifteen, and Sweet Biscuit rolls a two.

Dawn Break: "The order for this encounter is… Tailkicker, the slime, Whirlpool, Blood Edge, then Opaline. It is now Tailkicker's turn. Moonflower, what would you like to do?"

Moonflower: "I wanna swing my sword at that mean slime!"

Dawn Break: "To attack, you must roll for success. Since you have a strength score of fifteen, you only need a five or higher to land a successful hit."

Moonflower rolls a nineteen.

Dawn Break: "Tailkicker leaps into action. With her sword held firmly in her mouth, she charges at the slime, and slashes widely. The slime is hit for one damage, and a glowing blue smoke puffs out of its wound. The enemy quickly retaliates with a bite, and Tailkicker takes one damage."

Moonflower: "Ow!"

Sea Swirl: "I cast Lightning Bolt at the slime! Begone, vile creature!"

Sea Swirl rolls a two.

Sea Swirl: "Oh."

Dawn Break: "Whirlpool holds up a hoof, and shoots out a bolt of lightning at the slime, but it misses completely, and leaves a small scorch mark in the dirt a few hooves away from it.

It is now Blood Edge's turn. Trailblazer, what would you like to do?"

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