Now's your chance! Flirt with her while moving in for the final blow!
You roll a 13 (required 9). Success!
You waste no time in pressing your advantage, and brandish your weapon at your opponent. Disarmed and held at sword-point, Gerwalta concedes defeat.
Announcer: "I can't believe it! Trailblazer of Hoofington is victorious!"
The crowd goes wild as you and Gerwalta bow respectfully to each other. You then ask the griffon if the winner gets a kiss.
Gerwalta: "You may not be half bad at fighting, pony, but don't push your luck."
You return your weapons to the rack. While Gerwalta sits off to the side to watch the next match, you rejoin your friends.
You drop Foam Shortsword.
Minuette: "That was amazing!"
Moonflower: "Yeah‼ You're the best, Trailblazer!"
You equip Magic Sword Scabbard, and Trailblazer's Magic Saddlebags, and learn Light Sword Mastery!
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