Don't worry, Minuette, not getting lost is our special talent! It'll be a cinch!
You reassure Minuette that you won't get lost.
Moonflower: "Yuh uh! Trailblazer's butt's gonna show us the way."
With that, you and Moonflower bid farewell to Minuette, and enter the forest surrounding the village.
Though untouched by ponykind, the forest seems peaceful. The singing of birds echoes from above, and beams of sunlight shine through colourful, swaying leaves.
It doesn't take long before Moonflower stops at the sight of unfamiliar plants. She crouches down, and begins to examine some flowers.
Moonflower: "Oooh! I never seen those before!"
There are no paths to be found nearby.
To the southwest is Coltswell.
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