Anonymous said:
Well she did help appraise some items, so offer to pay for the quill!
You offer Moondancer to buy the item for her.
Moondancer: "What? No, that's—"
Moonflower: "Ooh, let's do that! She helped us with the treasure, so we should let her have some of the bits we found!"
Moondancer: "I don't—"
You trade 25 Gold Bits for Phoenix Quill Pen, which you give to Moondancer.
Moondancer: "Wow, I… I don't know what to say. You really didn't have to. I mean… thank you so much."
You tell Moondancer that you're more than happy to help.
Moonflower: "Yuh uh!"
After thanking the shopkeeper, you exit the antique shop.
Moondancer: "I just know she's going to love this. I'll head back to the inn, and gift-wrap it right away. See you at dinner."
You bid farewell to Moondancer, and she happily trots off to the inn.
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