
Originally posted on: May 23, 2015, 10:35 AM UTC
Silver Syclone 8
Base: Base 53 by MaddieAdopts

Guess who's Two Years Old today?

That's right, Silver Syclone. She's my oldest successful OC, and today she's two years old.
Fun Facts:
-Originally, she was going to wear a jacket and sweatbands.
She was named after Storm Warning's original name in The One Dollar Horse Silver Cyclone.
-Her cutie mark was changed. Originally, it was a bunch of Aperture Science logos shoved together to make a cyclone looking thing.
-She was made on various pony creators at first, until I settled on her Lyra design. Originally, she had Rainbow Dash's mane and Trixie's tail.

But Silver Syclone wasn't my first ever MLP OC. When I had just got into ponies, I tried making my own pony back then. Her name was Shooting Star, the most common and basic of names. Her design is lost, as is her colour scheme, but I still have her cutie mark, which dates back to the 21st April. It was a shooting star.

Happy 2nd Birthday Silver!


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