Born to Silly


Setsugekka said:
Thank the seadog for letting you out and ask why he/she took the risk of helping you out. Ask for a name and maybe if it's possible to get some equipment. Otherwise follow your new friend and try to be as quiet as possible.

You roll a 12 (required 10). Success!

You whisper a thank you to the seadog, and try to ask her why she came to your rescue, but she motions for you to save it for later.

Friendly seadog: "Not now. Follow, quick!"

You nod, knowing better than to risk staying here any longer. With your party out of the cell, the seadog takes good care of closing and locking the door behind you, then she hurries you across the hallway. A quick peek inside the lockers next to yours reveals that they are thankfully empty.

You climb a short staircase up to a wooden door, and with your new ally back in the lead, you silently exit the dungeon.

The other side of the door gives on the deck of a large ship. Confused, you take a look around, and find yourself at the bottom of what appears to be the inside of a cove. Pieces of various broken vessels lie piled up and mounted along the stone walls, while rope bridges and ladders connect the uneven platforms into some sort of labyrinthine settlement.

Fortunately, most of the pirates seem to be asleep at this hour, leaving only a few to stand watch or patrol the area, though each carries a lantern in one paw, and a weapon in the other.

At your rescuer's signal, you all readily duck behind a nearby stack of wooden crates, and wait for a heavily armed guard to walk past. Once in the clear, you give your two shorter friends a boost up, then carefully scale the crates to the upper level after them.

While keeping the group out of sight, the friendly seadog eventually brings you to the southern side of the cavern, where she points to a natural opening in the ceiling, just above a crow's nest.

Before making a break for it, however, your vantage point allows you to spot a lone shanty below with a sign depicting a treasure chest. A single bridge leads to its tall rocky islet, otherwise surrounded by dark water.

You hesitate for a moment. Could that be the trove where the brown seadog said your lost items were taken?

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