Almost done with the mane 6 characters, here's another full piece/character study! (I guess?)
I hardly ever use bases, but I wanted to try making a full piece! It ain't perfect, but I think I did pretty well for myself
Twilight is long past her frustrating days of scientific study and research to fully understand how everything works (mainly). The world of Equestria works in mysterious ways… but that doesn't mean Twi still won't try to study them. Once Star Swirl started her magical outbursts, Twilight saw this as a perfect opportunity to finally (maybe) figure out how earth pony magic works. With other earth ponies, its more… grounded, random, and hard to study and understand. They just feel things sometimes, and while all creatures (mainly) have magic in them, how that manifests in non-unicorns is still being understood. Twilight prouds her daughter as being a pinnacle in non-unicorn magic usage, and revolutionary in its study.
While these kinds of tests didn't work on Pinkie per se, Star Swirl's magic is a lot more like a unicorns, yet coming from an earth pony. While it does come in outbursts a lot like Pinkies, its a bit more controllable. This leads to long study and testing sessions with mom that she's… a bit tired of at this point. But she's a revelation for all ponykind! The praise and parading around is quite enjoyable though, so she'll deal.
I hardly ever use bases, but I wanted to try making a full piece! It ain't perfect, but I think I did pretty well for myself
Twilight is long past her frustrating days of scientific study and research to fully understand how everything works (mainly). The world of Equestria works in mysterious ways… but that doesn't mean Twi still won't try to study them. Once Star Swirl started her magical outbursts, Twilight saw this as a perfect opportunity to finally (maybe) figure out how earth pony magic works. With other earth ponies, its more… grounded, random, and hard to study and understand. They just feel things sometimes, and while all creatures (mainly) have magic in them, how that manifests in non-unicorns is still being understood. Twilight prouds her daughter as being a pinnacle in non-unicorn magic usage, and revolutionary in its study.
While these kinds of tests didn't work on Pinkie per se, Star Swirl's magic is a lot more like a unicorns, yet coming from an earth pony. While it does come in outbursts a lot like Pinkies, its a bit more controllable. This leads to long study and testing sessions with mom that she's… a bit tired of at this point. But she's a revelation for all ponykind! The praise and parading around is quite enjoyable though, so she'll deal.
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