
Fluttershy wake up in the middle of the night in his bed

She has this lair with the help of her wings, the bedside lamp not far from her bed

Fluttershy: The light doesn't turn on anymore

The bulb is burnt out
She rushes to her bedroom window reflecting the exterior of her house to see the forests and the songs lit by the moon

Fluttershy is a can stress

Like every night when she gets up suddenly
She feels her thundering heart in the darkness and the absolute silence of the night
As if a beast hit his rib cage
But with a feeling of caresses


Fluttershy could feel his heart
But decide to go back to bed and go back to sleep

She keeps her eyes on the window in front of her which was the only source of light

Fluttershy: breathe everything's fine I'm just going to go back to sleep ..

suddenly the moon is hidden by a cloud, fluttershy searches for a source of light but it is only dark and thick black

She feels that the fear of loneliness has come over her,
She starts to see all the scary figures

All her monsters she has faced for 9 years she can see their shadow

But it was only his own fear that created illusions

His big pegasus heart flies in his chest

She could hear her big heart echoing clearly in her chest
But it's not pleasant for her

Fluttershy can't calm this down anymore and it's when she looks towards his covered chest that she seems to see a shape leaping under her sheet and her chest.

But she couldn't see a thing

She continues to stare at the dark shadows with her heart bulging but invisible

But she recognizes a shadow that relieves her

The tall but lean figure that appears

???: fluttershy are you okay?
a click of the finger is heard and a glimmer of light appears at the end of the fingers
Fluttershy: DISCORD !!

Fluttershy this huddled in sobs over his discord best friend who came to the rescue of his pegasus

Discord: let me help you with a snap of my finger …

The two friends are huddled in the fluttershy bed

Discord: fluttershy I thought your heart would help your sleep

Fluttershy: yes … it could have but ….. it was so dark that I could see nothing but … all his bad guys who attacked me … well except you obviously …

Discord: awww hehe thank you .. but know that I will be disappointed if you say the opposite
But this is not the case

Fluttershy: thank you discord but just … please .. don't read my thoughts

Discord: mmm … what you think is not embarrassing at all

Fluttershy: why … you now know that I want …

Discord: I never thought about what it looks like seeing that I'm immortal but … I'll let you listen to it

Discord hugs fluttershy and snuggles her face to the dragon's chest

Fluttershy: your heart is … hehe chaotic

Discord: this is the first time someone has done this to me so let's say my heart is upside down xS

Fluttershy: relax ☺️

Fluttershy: you have a big heart for such a thin dragon x3

Discord: oh eum thank you
Well actually
In the part before my heart was too visible so I narrowed it down
But your yellow pegasus heart is bigger tender is sweet

Heavily reddened fluttershy placing her hoof on her chest

Fluttershy: awww … thank you … ❤️ discord

Discord: oh … your new thoughts are strangely

Fluttershy: WHAT !? … yes m … but discord it can be dangerous and … I could no longer sleep

Discord: I know you have a lot of passion for your own heart x3


Still in bed with the light
Fluttershy watches her sheet skip and see a little round bump come out,
Fluttershy could feel the enormous pleasant stretches and bounces on his own chest.

Fluttershy: oh my … it's like a massage

The fluttershy heart under the blanket has a more detailed shape and grew with each knock that is heard

b-bump! Ba Bump! Ba bump! Da dump! Da dump! DADOM! Dadom!

Fluttershy's heart was pounding so hard her bed was shaking

Fluttershy: oh my …

Fluttershy take off the sheet
And look marvelously at her big yellow heart bulging on her chest

Fluttershy: sweetheart ….

Reddened discord next to it and watch fluttershy

Discord: a little more?

Fluttershy nods

Discord makes a movement of his fingers to enlarge the heart of fluttershy

Fluttershy: mgnnn🥰

Discord: 0-0 ’…. are you okay?

Fluttershy: oh … um well ….. that's my heart
… it gives me like a huge massage on my chest x3 …
BA BUMP !! … BA BUMP !! … BA BUMP !! … BA BUMP !! … BA BUMP !! …

Fluttershy's heart grows bigger and bigger

Her bulging heart is the size of her chest But
Fluttershy lies down on his bed with her huge heart coming in and out of her chest

with the pleasant feeling


Her huge heartbeat calmed him down and began to fall asleep.

Discord approaches a sleeping fluttershy with the hooves still on the big fluttershy heart beating like a bass drum,
But beat slower and slower and detail


Discord lays his hand on fluttershy's bright yellow hairy heart and narrowed it into his pegasus chest

Discord: good night fluttershy
kisses fluttershy gouce and disappears



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