Born to Silly


Following Maredusa's trail, Flurry and the gang find themselves at the Changeling Hive where they run into King Thorax.

Flurry: Heeheehee…Hi, Thorax…

Thorax: It's good to see you again, Flurry. What brings you all?

Pounds: Our scavenger hunt led us here.

Misty: I wouldn't exactly call searching for the only magical artifacts that can save Equestria a "scavenger hunt".

Pounds: It's interpretative.

Thorax: Oh, okay. Uhh…can I help in any way?

Pumpkin: We just need to take a look around if that's okay.

Thorax: Of course! Let me know if you need anything.

Flurry: Thank you, Thorax…heeheehee…

(The gang all heads off, except Flurry who stays staring at Thorax. Pounds turns back.)

Pounds: Flurry, can we get a move on? I hate to remind you of the overwhelming time crunch.

Flurry: Oh yeah, of course…byeee Thorax!


I still have one more character to introduce out of the new Mane 6 but I felt like drawing this scene. Flurry's crush on Thorax is a running gag as well as Pounds' annoyance of it, which is mostly because he realizes he has just as big a crush on Flurry. Flurry and Pounds do eventually end up together, and Pounds frequently teases Flurry for her mega crush :)


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