He is a demon pony that takes the form of a zebra, and is part of a guild of Zebras that know and protect these demons, having fled from their home country after a war with rouge necromancers and their undead went went bad.
Casper wanted to help out and join the guards, but due to his past as a trouble maker, was instead taken by a corrupted part of the government and used for experiments with a magical object that was supposed to help in the war. However, a fire broke out in the lab, which then powered up and unleashed his demon form. Soon after that, he and the group of outcasts fled the country, traveling to mainland Equestria.
Now, he is currently living in a village around the forests of Ponyville, where he spends most of his time looking after the guild and goofing off. Despite his past, he is still a fun loving and helpful pony, even if he can still be a trouble maker. Know by most only by his test subject name, with those nicknaming him "Reggie" for short.
He now has increased magical powers due to his demon form, and when in his demon form, he does not have a horn, as he is powerful enough to use magic with his hooves.