Stick Pone Snuggles; sorry if lack of tags, n' wasn't sure if safe ratin' cause of the minor part of the knife through the heart n' lil' part of blood
I've decided that I won't be uploadin' (much or ever) here anymore cause I sorta give up, I don't wanna vent but I feel out of place I guess, I know I don't have much drawings here but I have been drawin' since 2014, I just haven't shared them
well, take care folks; I'll be around still.. just on Twitter (please DO NOT follow, I'm serious)
I've decided that I won't be uploadin' (much or ever) here anymore cause I sorta give up, I don't wanna vent but I feel out of place I guess, I know I don't have much drawings here but I have been drawin' since 2014, I just haven't shared them
well, take care folks; I'll be around still.. just on Twitter (please DO NOT follow, I'm serious)
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