
It was a cloudless day when the thunder came. Lightning singed the frosted plains twice, and by the third strike a queer, black egg sat nestled in a throne of ice. Its shell was onyx, darker than the wings of the Lunar Queen. Light played off its edges in ways no natural force could fathom. All in all, it gave off an aura of unease… But there was something else there. Something that couldn't be touched by words. I had to know what this thing was, speak this unspeakable noun. Only then would I be satisfied. — A concerned mother


In the story of The Black Dragon & The Onyx Egg, Skarn is the unwitting victim of a great deception: that of being a natural born dragon, and the son of Umbra.

He often laments that he does not have his wings yet, despite being 17, and has never once taken his true form, accidentally or not.


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