Next Gen: TwilightSparkle
Princess Twilight has really grown into her role, and more into her alicorn appearance. She's much more calm and collected than she was in her youth and deals with new situations quite well, though there are times when things spiral so out of control she loses her composure and slips back to the anxiety-riddled filly she was. She acts fully as the ambassador to any and all species that have any kind of relations with Equestria but she knows the strengths of her friends and has them help where their best suited. One of her most prized accomplishments is her school for all the young creatures of Equestria to come and learn about friendship and she loves to see the younger generation become so open to those they share the world with, though she still has to curb the beliefs of the older ponies from time to time.
Twilight still enjoys a good book, and she will never give up her desire to be organized with the help of lists but she's chilled out a good bit in her neurotic need for everything to be perfect. She mostly enjoys the company of her closest friends but now she looks forward to the opportunity to learn about new species and cultures from all across the world.